+27 11 484 5528


The Department of Trade Industry and Competition (the dtic), South Africa, offers South African manufacturing companies the opportunity to showcase their products at various international trade fairs.  In this instance, the scheme which provides funding for successful applicants is called the Sector Specific Assistance Scheme (SSAS), and Emerging Exporters are encouraged to participate under this scheme.  

Companies who meet the criteria, set out by the dtic, may apply for funding, and successful applicants will enjoy the following benefits – upfront payment for exhibition costs, freight, one economy class return flight ticket and accommodation on a bed and breakfast basis.

JCSA will act as project coordinator for this event, facilitate the application process, and provide relevant information to make it possible for manufacturers to exhibit at these international exhibitions.  Please note that as this is motivated by JCSA, only JCSA paid-up members will be able to apply. If you would like to join the Jewellery Council of South Africa, please call us on 011 484 5528 or send an email to admin@jewellery.org.za